Veroia Wines is a small boutique that sells both red and white wines. The very name itself tells you that the company is made up of only one person, which is Mario da Silva. He started his passion for wine at a very early age, attending wine making courses at university in Portugal. This was followed by a job as a waiter in a famous Portuguese restaurant. After that, he decided to get involved with the wine making business full time and opened his very own boutique in the city of Porto di Imperia, Italy. This gave him the much needed freedom to pursue what he loves best: making wines.
You can purchase a bottle of Veroia wines online from the official website or even through other websites of the company. You can order any kind of wine that they have to offer, including some of their most popular and affordable wines. It is really important that you shop around and check out as many wine reviews as possible before settling on a particular brand. However, the good news is that most of their wines seem to be well received by most customers.
A few people have said that they’ve had a bad experience, saying that their wine delivered bad and they decided not to order it again. Usually when people have this experience, it is because they ordered an off-white, did not specify what they wanted and ended up getting a Cabernet Sauvignon. There are hundreds of varieties of these two types of wine, so it’s really hard to say which is the right one for you! Keep in mind that Veroia wines are Italian wines and like other Italian companies, they do have a very strong presence online, both in the real world and through their own website.