Veera Wines Phone Number

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If you have a concern about Veera Wines and would like to contact a customer representative, the phone number can be found on the company’s website. The customer service representatives at Veera Wines are available on the phone at the following numbers: +91 80995 42708 or [email protected]. You can also call the store at the address given below. You can find more information about Veera Wines by visiting its official website.

veera wines phone number

If you have any queries or concerns about the company, you can contact them through the phone number provided below. The company imports and distributes products from family estates and privately-owned farms. The company offers free tastings for its customers. The company is a member of the Association of Wineries and Spirits in the United States, and is affiliated with the Agricultural Marketing Association. However, the phone number may not be the most accurate.

If you have an issue with your purchase, you can contact a customer support representative. The company ships all orders within 48 hours, and offers a 30-day money back guarantee. You can find the phone number at the bottom of every product, and you can also get an e-book that describes the quality and taste of the product. The company sells products as wall art, home decor, mobile phone cases, and tote bags.